Jet Charter Flights
Win more quality time
Atlas Air Service business jets significantly benefit your company and your personal life. You no longer depend on airlines and win time for your valuable presence on site – be it with clients, business partners or your subsidiaries.
One day, for example, suffices to attend several meetings within Europe and you can still be home for dinner with your family. You determine your flight plan according to your own schedule and enjoy the safety of your own aircraft.
With 20 to 30 trips per year you win at least one month more in quality time – wherever you want to spend it. This does not only mean more quality of life for you and your most important employees but also advantages in terms of efficiency and flexibility.
We would like to invite you to discover and use the flexibility and freedom of executive flights. Get to know our exclusive aircraft fleet. Contact us for your travel requirements and get your individual offer.
Please call phone number +49-421 53658 160 or e-mail us